240 – 252 Taylor Street
Average MLS Selling Price 2017-2022No “MLS” Sales
Built in two clusters of three units each with the remainder of the small street still to be built on. This is a south central, far east location near the outer limits of town. Newer homes continue to be built off in the near distance.
These are freeholds. Visit the builder’s website at Stoneyridgedev.com. These two clusters are somewhat similar in design style however, it is readily apparent that there are some differences. One cluster has units with double car garages and one cluster has a double car garage unit, a 1.5 car garage unit and a single car garage unit. One cluster has brown/red spotted brick and one cluster has sand/brown brick. Some units have covered front porches and some have upper rear dormers. High pitched rooflines and front peaked rooflines. Lower front skirts of grey stone and some use of front stucco and brown shingles.
A small parkette area to the west compliments this neighbourhood. It is called A.J. Fred Darling Park. Exeter needs more projects like this.