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1 29; 2 – 28 Shadow Lane

1 29; 2 – 28 Shadow Lane



Average MLS Selling Price 2022Sample size (1) too small to report

Average MLS Selling Price 2021Sample size (1) too small to report

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If you are looking on a map trying to find this location odds are that you might miss it. Shadow Lane, as the name implies, is a laneway and mapping systems sometimes overlook it. It is off of Edward Street and Edward Street runs parallel to Main Street South, three blocks to the east. Its entranceway is tucked between two residential houses and is partially obliterated by trees. See our pictures.

Two side front pillared walls and pine trees flank the front entranceway. One wall says “Est 1998”, however units here were actually built a few years after that. When you first drive in, you are impressed with the symmetry of the design style and the formal appearance. A vacant half lot on the left with a hedged backdrop is aesthetically pleasing. These are “all brick” one floor freeholds built in clusters of four with the clusters at the rear of the cul-de-sac being staggered in design. Spotted light brown brick, brown shingles, white window trim and taupe trim and garage doors. Known sizes are 1,295; 1,300; 1,309 and 1,349 square feet.

Each cluster is a mix of two single car garage units and two double car garage units. The double car garage units are the inside units which is the reverse of what one might expect. There are small peaked upper rooflines over the end unit single car garages. There are cement driveways which dip down to the street level.

These units enjoy two main floor bedrooms with a four piece and a three piece bathroom, main floor laundry, a gas fireplace and an open staircase to the lower level. Some skylights, some solo tubs, rear decks. Owners pay “association fees” for grass cutting and snow removal

In this neighbourhood 26% of the population is aged 65+ and 14% are 55 – 64. English is the dominant language spoken at 94%. 19% of the neighbourhood was built after 2011 and 23% between 1991 2010; 23% between 1961 – 1990 and 35% before 1960. Many sections of Exeter share mixed time periods like this.

This complex presents itself very well.

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